Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of ASF, ZLO, ZLL, ZLP, ZLK, ASL, ZLJ, ASO, ZLF

File Type:Statgraphics Data file
Category:Data file
File Description:file extension used by pre-Windows version of Stargraphics
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  StatPoint, Inc.

STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV is the latest version of STATGRAPHICS, the widely used statistical software package for exploratory data analysis, statistical modeling, design of experiments, time series forecasting, quality improvement and Six Sigma. It contains over 150 statistical procedures.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .pif file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .msp file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .reg file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .msi file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:Quest Adventure game file
Category:Data file
File Description:ASL file contains new text game in Quest Adventure Game.
Open Programs:

Quest Adventure Game

Company / developer:
  Alex Warren

Quest brings 1980's-style text adventure games up to date. Now you can create your own exciting text adventure, and you don't need to know how to program.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .msc file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:Adobe Flash cache file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Adobe Flash. Cache file.
Open Programs:

Adobe Flash

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Flash® is the industry's most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites, digital experiences and mobile content.

With Adobe Flash software, creative professionals design and author interactive content rich with video, graphics, and animation for truly unique, engaging websites, presentations or mobile content.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .jse file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:Alphacam stone post file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by Aphacam.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Planit Solutions Inc.

- a fully featured CAD/CAM solution compatible with any CNC machine

Alphacam is used in the manufacture of many types of components, from simple routed parts to complex, 5-axis furniture components.
The emphasis behind the development of Alphacam is to provide customers with productivity, reliability, and flexibility.
Alphacam offers a multitude of applications for doors, windows, cabinets and panels.
Anything in wood, from 2D fascia doors to complex 5-Axis stair handrails can be produced easily and quickly.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC